Minutes from the general meeting held on 4th November 2021
DVTI Meeting
November 4, 2021
Present: Matt Alfano, Beth Arman, Colleen Awad, Ryan Buckley, Ed Del Beccaro, Sam Driggers, Vickie Gordon, Jeanette Green, Alex Greenwood, Joellen Heaney, Olivia Herriford, Jags Krishnamurthy, Bob Linscheid, John Matthesen, Carlyn Obringer, Tamer Osman, Linsey Willis
Ryan opened the meeting at 3:03 pm.
Approval of October 7, 2021 Minutes: Motion: Ed; 2nd: Jeannette; Unanimous
Public Comments: None
Ryan suggested the group meet in person once or twice per year, for a possibly longer, more interactive meeting with more invitees.
Economic Development: Reuse Project Letter Support (Carlyn): The letter focuses on three items based on feedback from the community:
Support GoMentum Station: Due to its proximity to Buchanan Airfield and many local drone and electric aviation startups, we encourage the Reuse Project to consider AV and electric aviation industries when evaluating options for plan developments.
Promote Fiber Optic and 5G Internet: Gig speed and residential and commercial real estate availability will make the Reuse Project more attractive and boost the desirability of the entire Diablo Valley region.
Incorporate Smart City and Green Technology: Will improve efficiency, sustainability, and attractiveness for both businesses and residents.
The next step is the term sheet to include the community’s vision put forth in the plan years ago. As we get closer to the term sheet, it is important for groups to submit letters outlining ways to achieve affordability goals. There is no guarantee that these things will happen, so it’s important to advocate.
Unions and apprenticeship hours are no longer an issue – all three Master Developer candidates signed off on them. An ad hoc committee will work on special projects that are part of the plan (campus and youth tournament sports complex). Carlyn will talk to the mayor about the structure of the Ad Hoc committee.
Groundbreaking will take two to three years; recruiting people is at least five years away
Vote to approve, support, and sign letter for support for the Concord Naval Rescue Act with suggested amendments:
Motion: Vickie; 2nd: Carlyn; No abstentions, No opposed; Unanimous.
Workforce Development: DVC, DVTI, and Community Engagement: Beth presented an overview of DVC, its initiatives, and its impact on DVTI. https://www.dvc.edu/academics/explore.html
26,000 students; part of a county-wide district representing the central part of the county; two campuses/one college.
Diverse student body with 37% taking a full course load.
DVTI originated from the DVC Business Administration Advisory Board.
DVC supports DVTI with physical/zoom venues for meetings, note-taking and email distribution list, participation of DVC faculty and staff, and financial support (web domain, OAS pay for Chairman)
DVTI provides DVC:
a forum to hear from people outside of program-specific advisory boards;
an opportunity to promote the college’s programs
an opportunity to attract prospective students, employers, employees, and project partners
Guided Pathways make it easier for students to navigate when the college. Designed to get students to apply, get them in as beginning students, transition them into course of study, transition to four-year college or workplace with a living wage.
Programs are grouped into five main areas:
Arts, Communication, and Language
Business, Computer Science, and Culinary Arts
Math and Engineering
Science and Health
Social Sciences
DVTI can get involved by:
sharing labor market information and trends with DVC and prospective students;
being a guest speaker;
suggesting DVC to prospective students;
providing venues for information sessions;
serving on an industry advisory board to guide curriculum;
judging student competitions;
being a career mentor
donating to the DVC Foundation
hiring an intern
If you are interested in being a guest speaker or part of a career panel, please let Beth know. barman@dvc.edu
High school students benefit from dual enrollment, taking classes to help them into the pipeline for jobs. If they do all that is available to them (summer activity, class each semester), they could graduate with 28 college credit units.
CCCAP grant is tech-focused (computer science or other STEM fields). The Femineers club launched at Ygnacio Valley High School as a complement to the Engineering Pathway effort: https://www.audacy.com/kcbsradio/news/local/how-east-bay-high-school-aims-to-increase-women-in-stem
Alex oversees economic development for some of the largest hubs for robotics, drones and cutting-edge industrial uses in San Francisco. He offered to be a guest speaker at DVC and to connect Beth with industry contacts who would help DVC to look at where industries are going, identify skill sets needed, etc. Beth and Alex will connect.
iHub2 RFP Review (Ryan)
$250,000 in Year 1
Reporting required Years 2-5
Focus on DEI in entrepreneurship
Priorities include agriculture, energy, transportation, and all things green
iHub2 RFP Asks:
Diablo Valley Business Plan Competition
Include all three 4CD colleges + CSU EB
Business plan, not just pitch
Cash Prizes
Diablo Valley Speaker Bureau
Help faculty get local guest speakers
Also forms a mentor network
Startup Incubator
Start at DVC and expand from there?
Meeting, networking, training, workspace
Staff by iHub program managers
MOUs Still Needed:
Foundations and research institutes
VC networks and angel investors
Chambers and business networks
MOUs In Process
Walnut Creek Chamber of Commerce
County Department of Conservation and Development
Letters of Support Needed:
Five max; no specifics included
Jags offered to write a letter of support as a local business
Due date is November 18th. Please email Ryan with ideas of good activities/programs to put in place for the grant. (ideally green industries/low-income populations).
Adjourned: 4:10 pm