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  • Writer's pictureRyan Buckley

Meeting Minutes - 2/6/20

Updated: Nov 24, 2020

Minutes from the general meeting held on February 6, 2020

DVTI Meeting

February 6, 2020

3-5pm Norseman Restaurant

Present: Beth Arman, Ryan Buckley, Kevin Cabral, Vickie Gordon, Joellen Heaney, Colleen Isenberg, Brian Nunally, Donna Van Wert


Ryan opened the meeting at 3:10.

  • Meeting focused on developing a vision statement. Mission statement addresses what we’re doing; vision statement addresses why.

  • Current mission: “The Diablo Valley Tech Initiative (DVTI) will understand and promote the conditions that equip our community in cultivating and benefitting from a thriving tech business sector in the Diablo Valley.”

  • Vision should answer, “what problem are we trying to solve?”

    • Allow people to live and work in the community

    • Equity

    • Commute issues: increased traffic/carbon emissions, bad carbon footprint

    • Having a job close to home enriches quality of life, accessible to family life.

    • Economy: More tech business means more economic activity (restaurants, etc.), and living close to home affords more time to devote to local businesses. \

    • Real estate

    • Promote area growth. Need talent to grow the community.

  • Donna suggested that we think more regionally, as current goals feel bigger than DVTI. Wherever we can make connections will be beneficial.

  • Satellites could be a gateway to business growth, but it’s important not to aim too low.

  • Focus on ideas for improving tech infrastructure (broadband capacity, etc.) and encourage policy changes within local government.

  • Survey top three tech companies: Why are you here? What’s working/not working.

  • Ryan suggested combining mission and vision statements: “The Diablo Valley Tech Initiative (DVTI) will understand and promote the conditions that enable those in the region to benefit from a thriving tech business sector in the Diablo Valley.”

  • Vicki discussed a new initiative that follows students for 1-2 years after graduation to gather information about where they are, what they are doing, experiences at DVC, etc.

  • Beth discussed the Diamante Scholars (Diamonds in the Ruff) program: Focuses on helping high potential high school students find the path to higher education and career success. Focus on STEAM as well as STEM career paths.

  • Next meeting will focus on work plan and survey progress. Beth offered WFD resources to help with data collecting.

Meeting adjourned at 4:07.

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