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  • Writer's pictureRyan Buckley

Meeting Minutes - 3/5/20

Updated: Nov 24, 2020

Minutes from the general meeting held on March 5, 2020

DVTI Meeting

March 5, 2020

3-5pm Norseman Restaurant

Present: Dominic Aliano, Beth Arman, Jim Blair, Ryan Buckley, Amalia Cunningham, Dona DeRusso, Joellen Heaney, Carlyn Obringer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Jim opened the meeting at 3:10.


  • Concord considered one of two cities for additional CSU investments.

  • Carlyn participated in education round table. CSU showed interested in new extension programs to meet needs of employers.

  • Beth is also conversing with CSU Concord, discussing programs that would be attractive to our students in Concord vs. Hayward. Will pursue all strategies and see what comes through. Will work with East Bay Leadership Council to get the word out and make the case for DVTI.

  • Lots of companies looking to expand and want to know capacity/inventory of buildings in Concord. Maybe could start to inventory other buildings in the Diablo Valley.

  • Jim has been involved in faculty externships: placing interns in companies, helping companies become proficient in cybersecurity. Want to market our students as paid interns. Will begin targeting local companies to place interns. Students eventually be placed with statewide companies and work remotely. Economic development opportunity.


  • has been uploaded to Survey Monkey and will go out once we have the list of email addresses.

  • Two students are currently working on the list to validate the data.

  • Jim will send Ryan the link for wordsmithing.

  • The idea is to send the survey to a large number of companies, break up the companies by area and city and follow up. Please provide survey feedback via Slack.

Website: :

  • Maybe get some DVC students to give website a makeover. Jim will reach out to graphics people to recruit students.

  • Website will feature real estate comparisons: commercial and residential, and highlight differences between Diablo Valley and San Francisco.

  • Will not be a static site: employers can log in, people can post resumes, etc. Please provide website feedback via Slack.

Over 12 months:

  • Target companies and begin discussions, showcasing some of initiatives we highlight at smaller-sized mixers leading up to the large reception we will host.

  • Want DVTI to be a diverse group, while also targeting audiences for meeting depending on focus. Dona suggested forming work groups to take on different parts of the plan. Jim will continue to engage Susan Lamb.

Meeting adjourned 5:05pm

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