Minutes from the general meeting held on 5th May 2022
DVTI Meeting
May 5, 2022
Present: Beth Arman, Ryan Buckley, George Carter, Amalia Cunningham, Ed Del Beccaro, Jeanette Green, Joellen Heaney, Jags Krishnamurthy, John Matthesen, Carlyn Obringer, Susan Psara, Melissa Rea, Charlie Shi, Marie Suvansin
Ryan opened the meeting at 3:04 pm.
Approval of April 7, 2022 Minutes: Motion: Ed; 2nd: Carlyn 2nd; Unanimous
Incubator Update (Beth): Beth shared the draft survey of business incubators and accelerators. 25 organizations providing business incubation or acceleration services in our region will be surveyed. If you know of any additional organizations, please let Beth know.
Beth will add a question about number of incubator employees per George’s suggestion.
Ed suggested adding “If existing employees, where do they live (incubator and customers’ employees)?” since whether or not they move will depend on demographics and region.
Beth and John will work on expanding Question 13 (“What are the costs or obligations for participating entrepreneurs (e.g. sliding scale rent, duration, share of profits)?”
Once we have the data, we can determine our role and how we connect with the players that are out there. The information could go on the DVTI website as a resource for current or future entrepreneurs.
Contra Costa County Green Business Program (Susan Psara):
Program Overview:
Promotes business that meet high environmental sustainability standards
Provides technical assistance to help business owners protect the environment, conserve natural resources, develop a green economy, and contribute to healthier and cleaner communities.
Established in 1998 in the Contra Costa Health Services Hazardous Materials Program (CCHSMP)
Integrated into the Pollution Prevention Program for CCHSMP’s unified inspection and enforcement program (CA Health & Safety Code)
Member of the California Green Business Network (statewide network of 40+ cities and counties)
Supported by 26 program partner agencies
225 active certified green businesses, most in central and west county. Trying to do outreach in east county.
Program Partnerships:
Contra Costa Green Business Program
Contra Costa Health Services, Hazardous Materials Programs
Program Partners Agencies
California Green Business Networks
Partner Benefits: business referrals, positive business engagement and recognition, opportunity to provide input on local Green Business Program, marketing of programs and services, networking opportunities, recognition on Green Business Program’s marketing, events and website.
Certification Process:
Complete on-line checklist based on program sector
Participate in virtual site visit
Complete action items identified during site visit
Certification renewal required every four years
Promote the Green Business Program:
If you own a business or know of businesses that might be a good fit for the Green Business Program, please refer them to Susan: Susan.Psara@cchealth.org / 925-655-3220. Benefits for businesses include use of the logo, CA Green Business Program directory listing, free marketing and promotions, print and digital advertising, and access to rebates and funding ($500 per business on a first come, first served basis) with an opportunity this year to double rebates (up to $1,000 per business). www.greenbusinessca.org/contracostacounty
Update on DVTI conference (Ryan):
Conference website is available through DVTI / Events website. Working on custom artwork now. The agenda will be updated as we get speaker names.
Ryan reviewed the budget (total: $10,680):
Food and beverages: $5,000
Marketing (cartoon map, swag, pamphlet, signage and ads): $4,200
Production (AV, greeter – possibly a DVC student): $480
Speakers (gift – possibly wine with a logo, travel reimbursement): $1,000
May have to remove some items if there are no sponsorships
Ed suggested a small ticket charge for better control of who is attending.
John suggested Total Wine as a possible sponsor.
Adjourned: 4:01 pm
